When? April 8 … my daughter's birthday

My daughter, April.

I lost her in a multi-vehicle traffic crash on Interstate 4 in Florida on January 30, 2000. I was a deputy sheriff and actually responded to the scene only then to learn that she was gone.

“You came into our lives in the early morning hours of April 8, 1981, while I was still a kid myself. I watched you grow into a lovely young woman with a gentle heart that touched so many lives. You were a wonderful daughter, sister, and granddaughter that loved her family, loved life, and loved a challenge. You were an athlete, musical and dance performer, singer, loyal friend, student and classmate, and a wonderful writer. You loved Jesus and I know that He took you into the palm of His hand in the early morning hours of January 30, 2000, to be with Him in Glory. April, you were our beautiful baby girl and we loved you more than life. If I could only trade places with you now and lay down my life so that you could have yours back I would, but I can't. Sleep in peaceful rest until I can see you again, soon. I love you, and I miss you so very, very much.

I talked to your mom. We still just want to know why you had to go.

Keep watching over us please. We're a mess.


We miss you! Mom, Chris, Grandma & Grandad .. everyone!”

Barry Hill

Retired law enforcement officer and 2022 Appalachian Trail thru-hike hopeful



